Center for Organizational and Human Resource Effectiveness
Success Stories
COHRE has an outstanding track record of success in helping organizations meet their human resources and organizational development needs. Below are some examples of organizations with whom COHRE has partnered with to build high-performance workforces and systems.
Tennessee Highway Patrol

COHRE worked with Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) to develop a multifaceted examination process for THP sergeant and lieutenant promotions. This included the creation of three new assessments: job knowledge test, situational judgement test, and an interactive inbox test. The COHRE team used the job information gathered from critical incident interviews to design two new elements for the promotional process. They subsequently created tailored work samples and situational judgment tests specifically for THP.
Rutherford County
Leadership Development

COHRE created the Rutherford County Leadership Academy (RCLA) in an ongoing partnership with Rutherford County. The first year was mainly executive-level clients, but in the following years the academy included middle and lower levels of management. The academy uses an active practice approach spaced over time to allow for the acquisition and retention of leadership skills. RCLA has consistently obtained high ratings from individuals who have gone through the training.
Tennessee Small Business Development Center
Strategic Planning

The Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC) worked with COHRE to create a new strategic plan for their Murfreesboro location. In addition to creating a new plan, COHRE also developed a scorecard that measured how well they were able to reach their goals. New measures were developed for strategic goals and integrated with existing measures. TSBDC personnel from all across the state were trained on the use of the new scorecard. As a result of COHRE’s new strategic plan and training, TSBDC met accreditation requirements.
Contact Us
Mailing address:
Center for Organizational and Human Resource Effectiveness
Middle Tennessee State University
1301 East Main Street
Box 506
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Center for Organizational and Human Resource Effectiveness
Middle Tennessee State University
Academic Classroom Building 350
1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Click here to view MTSU's interactive map of campus.
Phone: 615-898-5458
Fax: 615-494-8683